Your birth certificate is an important personal document. It's proof of identity for many purposes, such as claiming government benefits, enrolling in education and applying for a passport or driver licence.
An integrated birth certificate is a legal birth certificate. You can use it for the same purposes as a standard (post-adoptive) legal birth certificate.
An integrated birth certificate is a certificate that includes information about:
- an adopted person, at birth and after adoption
- their natural parents (where records are available), and
- their adoptive parents.
We will draw this information from the adopted person's:
- standard (post-adoptive) legal birth certificate, and
- their original (pre-adoptive) birth certificate.
An adopted person can apply for an integrated birth certificate if they:
- Are aged 18 years or over, and
- Were born in Victoria and had their adoption registered in Victoria.
Alternatively, you can apply for a standard (post-adoptive) legal birth certificate.
Before you can get a birth certificate, the birth needs to be registered in Victoria. See Register a birth.
When ordering a certificate you will need to prove your identity.

Two examples of an integrated birth certificate. In the second example, some records about the person’s natural parents were unavailable.